Kutyaszitter - Edina - Várpalota, Baglyas hegy
További adatok
- Település: Várpalota, Baglyas hegy
- Link: https://app.petwisecare.com/hu/service/detail/edina-it-can-easily-be-one-best-day-for-your-puppy
As a Spiritual Person, animals, nature, and anything is natural are the first in my life, anything is the closest to our hearts! Therefore the love and respect towards dogs comes from deep within and perfectly naturally. These feelings led me on the path of learning, studying, widening my knowledge of dogs, their personalities -behaviours -languages, so we can understand each other more effectively. The last few years I dedicated all my time for this, I learned from the most professionals so I can give back the best for the animals I'm working with. I have completed several courses, and continue the unstoppable learning: Firts Aid for Dogs, Rehabilitation dog trainer, and more, only so I can be sure of our four legged friends are perfectly safe under my supervision -
and you can also be assured of your best friends well being with me. Don’t hesitate contact me even if you have a behavioural problem dog, or even a poorly one ☺️?
Kindest Regards